
Wednesday, 3 October 2012

My Life According To David Bowie {Blogtoberfest 3/31}

I should probably be marking (groan) but .... this is such a fun meme to do was around ages ago and I made a note to join in ... but then a gazillion years went by and it has languished as a title without a post in my draft folder  ...

So, with all this Blogtoberfesting going on, I thought I'd finally get down to it.

Using only song titles from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions.  
Try not to repeat a song title. It's a lot harder than you think!

I've picked David Bowie because his voice absolutely fits his music. I have no trouble remembering Bowie lyrics from 30 years ago ... they are indelibly fixed in the sound..

This is something that is really heightened by my synaesthesia . Some music is just a perfect woven mix of texture and colour for me. Beethoven, cellos and funk also do it for me ...

When I say woven texture I mean it quite literally.  My listening experience is like a big loom, where as the music progresses I see the warp and weft combine to form a fabric which is the whole piece.

There are plenty of songs that I could hear a trillion times without ever knowing, or even hearing the words.  If there isn't a balance for me the weave of the music will overpower the lyrics completely ... 

Anyway, here we go ...

Pick your Artist:
David Bowie

Are you a male or female:
Lady Grinning Soul

Describe yourself:
It Ain't Easy

How do you feel:
Let's Dance

Describe where you currently live:
Suffragette City

If you could go anywhere, where would you go:
Life on Mars?

Your favorite form of transportation:
I Took a Trip on a Gemini Spacecraft

Your best friend is:
The Man Who Sold the World

You and your best friends are:

What's the weather like:
Wild is the Wind

Favorite time of day:
Sister Midnight

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called:
Moonage Daydream

What is life to you:
Sound and Vision

Your relationship:
Bring Me the Disco King

Your fear:
The Laughing Gnome

What is the best advice you have to give:
Rebel Rebel

Thought for the Day:
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

How I would like to die:

My soul's present condition:
Soul Love

My motto:
Hang On To Yourself

Ah ... That's better ...

... and if you ever wondered why orange and aqua go so well ... take a peep at this ...

oh that suit ...

Do you find it easy to remember lyrics or are you utterly useless?
Feel free to pick up the meme, btw  ...