… having a little {slow} fun with my Oakshott charm pack and the spots & dots charm pack I cut from stash.
Anyway … I've been sneaking 10 minutes here and 1/2 an hour here - really no longer - I'm like a speed tasker now! All are sewn and half are trimmed. Here's a sprinkling …
All wrapped up in a cheapo fingernail-snaggingly nasty £1.50 fleece from IKEA, which has now become my travelling design wall. Just lay em out and roll em up. Marvellous.
Even while I was sewing these babies I was still a bit meh about the mix of dots and shots, but now that I've pressed and trimmed I'm all in love again. What you miss from any photo is the divine shot-ness of the cotton. What you get from a photo is the saturation the dots bring to what is quite a subdued set of colours in the shot cottons.
No pinwheels or such malarkey. I'm just going to keep it simple and let them sing together as naked HSTs. I'm not even going to agonise over colour value. I'm just going to piece them as they come. I won't have another chance to work on it until next week, so this is a nice place to leave it simmering …
What do you think? Should I spend some time working out the layout/being clever? Or should I go with my lazy instincts?!
Don't forget you can enter my giveaway here for a chance to win some spotton dotton cotton for yourself too … runs till Thurs 5th …