Thursday, 8 March 2012
distraction - diversion - confession
I haven't blogged for ages. I haven't sewn for ages. I haven't done anything but work or be sick for what seems like ages. iGCSE mocks start in a couple of weeks so it's just full on.
I had my teaching observation today - if you're a teacher, or just a human being, you'll understand how very stupidly inept and nervous observations make you feel, even when you know you are a good teacher from the results and connection you have with your students! It went really well. My head of department rocks ... her feedback was fantastic. A bit of reflection almost makes the horrendous marking load worth it.
(this term I've been getting up at 5.30am to get it done and frankly I'm pooped.)
Anyway, while I'm on the endorphin rush of getting that ick out of the way for another year, I thought I'd pop in and show you these amazing test card images I found while planning this "Normal service will be resumed ..." post
… Excuse me ... How quilty are these ????
All from a wonderfully nerdy test card website. Go feast your eyes and I'll be back before you know it …
… aren't they just wonderful? Oh I dream of doing them all in shot cottons ….
and of course my favourite …
When I was little I always assumed it was somehow a picture of me, which led me to believe for years ... and I mean most of my life ... that each family had their own test card!
see you soon … I hope to show you something new and zingy this weekend!