I'm currently giving house space to a very common cold that doesn't seem to take the hint that it's time to GO, so my head is really not on tip top form, hence the lack of any posts, inspired sewing or searing wit lately … apologies … normal (sic) service will be resumed yada yada yada …

Anyway, with my runny nose and chapped lips I've had quite a full on relationship with loo roll this past week … What better project to celebrate this than Jane @ QuiltJane's fantastic Dress Up Your Loo Roll Competition!?
There's a wonderful $100 Gift Token from the The Fat Quarter Shop up for grabs … If you're baffled as to where to start (let's face it, who wouldn't be?) then Jane has posted a tute here to get your creative juices flowing … You've got until March 1st …
Loo roll covers. The new mug rug? Only time will tell.
I have been sewing a teensie bit, but it's been a labyrinthine project involving confusion, errors, despair, lack of confidence and now, finally, acceptance that what I see in my head does not necessarily come flowing naturally from my fingers. Yes. The Bletchley Quilt. More another day.
Ooh … and don't forget …

Ali at VeryBerryHandmade is running a fab giveaway which starts tomorrow (Mon) ... There are going to be some fantabulous prizes! ...
Ta Ta for now … I'm taking to the sofa with an as yet unadorned loo roll and a Bette Davis movie …