
Tuesday, 2 August 2011

epiphany {or eppy-fanny as my dad used to say}

I have to confess, I've never really 'got' big fabric collections, so I've tended to overlook designers like Amy Butler ... until now.

I find the whole 'collection' thing in general a bit too overwhelming. It's lovely if you find one that works, but I find it a bit of a struggle. For me it's like painting with a really limited palette, chosen by someone else. It's a purely personal thing. I suppose the only exception for me has been Echino, with which I can quite happily be monogamous.

Now I'm more comfortable in my sewing skin, I realise that just because I don't generally like to use only one collection in a quilt, it doesn't mean I shouldn't look at individual prints!! Yeah, I know, it took a while!

I've also learned how to visualise a print when cut & cropped, and I think that really, really helps.

Thanks mainly to all you wonderful stitchy bloggers out there, who use your experience and talent to make really beautiful, truly fab quilts from single collections (and I'm in awe of you) I am slowly discovering individual prints that are exquisite ... Huzzah!

Specifically these:

Soul Blossoms - Delhi Blooms in Lime
Soul Blossoms Dancing Paisley in Limestone
Daisy Chain - Daisy Bouquet in Turquoise

(seen here with Pat Bravo's Oval Elements in Peacock & Green Apple)

I got this little lot from a great - and new to me - UK online shop: Gone To Earth. Julia is really helpful, go check out the loveliness!

These, along with any 4x5 modern bee blocks, will all go towards my Berlin Quilt

So, thank you, wonderful blogolopolis people, really, for opening my eyes to even more joy in fabric. Thank you!

... and Amy, I dig you. I really do. I'm sorry it took me so long ...