
Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Berlin Alexanderplatz - the cushion!

Blogger's Pillow Party

I've been wanting to do something for the Blogger's Pillow Party over at StitchedinColor for a couple of months now, but have been totally uninspired.

But then this weekend the muse visited and I just couldn't resist sewin up a simple envelope-back cushion using a transfer of my photo of Alexanderplatz station's ceramic tiles:

Berlin Alexanderplatz - Basic Block for cushion

The linen is really heavy, dark and almost hessian like, yet fine fine fine to the touch ...

It also features Kumari Garden and some Kona/Klona solids ... Doesn't the Kumari Garden go brilliantly with my Berlin Flea Market fabric?  Total coincidence - it arrived the morning I left for Berlin!

Berlin Alexanderplatz - finished cushion

And the back uses the same fabric ... it will live on this chair once I've covered the big cushions ...

(I'm not going to moan here about the shredding quality of this old vintage fabric, but oh my ... it shredded like a cabbage for coleslaw ... I had to triple hem the seams!)

Berlin Alexanderplatz cushion - back

Happy.  Very.  Happy.