
Monday, 14 February 2011

Happy Valentine’s Day - Follow Your Passion - Treat People with Kindness - Keep it Real

Just a little breathtaking bit of passion and artistry from Cirque Phenix to kick start the old day … 

As in love, as in life, as in blogging - good manners and kind human behaviour help the world go round just that bit more sweetly -

So, if you missed it, you should pop on over to Diary of a Flutter.Kat  to read yesterday’s Day One of a week of guest posts on Good Etiquette for the Modern Blogger - First off was Angela from Cut to Pieces - a lovely, perfectly balanced post to kick the week off -

Be sure to Keep an eye on Flutter.Kat’s blog all week - there’s bound to be some interesting discussion in the comments! - I’m guesting later in the week (with a short novel! LOL) - I’ll let you know when …