on the Doll Quilt Swap
… the Make Mine Modern Swap
and the {Urban} Home Goods Swap! - no button yet! Sign-ups finish tomorrow for this one, so get on over! (probably tonight as I’m in the UK!)
(although we don’t know our partners yet for the last two … )
These three swaps, featuring some truly fantabulous quilters, are all hosted on flickr, and I’m lucky to be taking part in all 3 - nothing like biting off more than you can chew eh? LOL.
You might not be able to access the links as I think some are restricted to participants only, so, sorry if you can’t see the wonders that others are making, but I’ll post some links as we progress a bit …
In the meantime, I thought I’d post some of the mosaics that I created for inspiration for these swaps … My mosaics are usually populated by images/creations that I wish I'd made myself, wish I'd received or would like to make for someone else. The links displayed under each mosaic will take you to that item's flickr page ... go feast your eyes!
So partner(s) … Please don’t feel restricted by them. I would much rather you created something that has something of you in it, than made something you aren’t happy with! And PLEASE, don’t go out of your way to buy a whole heap of fabric - I’m happy with whatever is in your stash
Make Mine Modern Mosaic
1. FMF quilt top, 2. 278 Spiralling Step's of the Amedee Lighthouse, 3. Vintage Kitchen fabric, 4. flickr.com/photos/27443336@N07/4908706581/, 5. scrappaliscious! - square2, 6. FMF Snail Trail quilt, 7. squares and rectangles~ for cristin, 8. Poppyprint - mugrug pears 3, 9. WIP- Picnic 9-patch quilt, 10. UHG Item 3, 11. How should I finish??, 12. Sew-do-I's block detail, 13. UHG Tablecloth Teaser, 14. Birds, 15. Scrappy Hoop Swap - Received, 16. Scrap-Along, 17. Nesting Baskets and a Button Bouquet!!, 18. Oh 2, 19. Joseph's Coat Pillow - it's done!, 20. Half Square Triangles Galore, 21. Quilting Divas , 22. Pillow Swap 2 pillow FINISHED! =), 23. Pillow Talk Swap, 24. PMC1: Mary Pustejovsky - Quilt, 25. flying farfalle version 2
DQS10 Mosaic
1. scrappaliscious! - square2, 2. FMF Snail Trail quilt, 3. "Collectibles" block for Kerry, 4. Birds of Paradise, 5. Sew-do-I's block detail, 6. Oh, 7. Pillow Swap- Received, 8. PTS #3 , 9. Pillow for....., 10. Joseph's Coat Pillow - it's done!, 11. R #2's quilt, 12. Bee Modern Too - October, 13. Doll Quilt Swap 5 received, 14. Doll Quilt Received, 15. Doll Quilt from Holly, 16. Around the Block for Annie - Applique Circles
{Urban} Home Goods Swap
1. PTS4 pillow, 2. crab, 3. Urban Home Goods Received, 4. Fancy Fabric Bins, 5. tea towels for urban home goods swap, 6. My machine feels so loved!, 7. Urban Home Goods swap package, 8. UHG Item 3, 9. UHG Tablecloth Teaser, 10. DQS 9, 11. "Collectibles" block for Kerry, 12. WIP, 13. molly's work in progress, 14. Birds, 15. High Texture Hand Embroidery of the Moon, 16. Joseph's Coat Pillow - it's done!
If you’re still really stumped, just have a browse through my blog and you’ll soon get to know me! … Just go with the flow … I can’t wait to get going myself, and I’m just excited that you would take the time to make something for someone you don’t know!! Lovely!
Anyone else out there participating in any of these swaps?
Or anyone out there who has never taken part because of fears of inadequacy? (I was in the latter camp, but this year is all about stretching myself …)
What are your experiences of swaps?