
Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Slippery People

footsteps snow
We got out of school early today (Yay!) to give everyone a chance to get home before the freeze starts and it all gets too risky …

It was only lightly snizzling and I got a lift to the end of my road - it’s at the top of one of Brighton’s steep steep steep hills so I am very grateful ...

Then I schhhhhlooped my way in one fluid movement shuffled in teeny tiny old lady steps, up and then down (the curse living on the apex of another little hill!) to the warm toastiness of home.  


Sometimes I feel a sharp (but mercifully short) pang to be the same late-teen age of my students again.  ... snowball fights, bittersweet angst and everything else that is still to be ...

But then I snap out of it and am deeply thankful for all that has been and all that is still yet to come.

Shake those snowflakes from your hair to this classic* ...

* those of you in warmer climes -
just shed another layer and have a little bop!