
Sunday, 7 November 2010

Pay It Forward Giveaway – WINNER!

more great cartoons here

I’ve been a bit absent this week – I’m {still} in the middle of a 5 day migraine. 

After all that intense Blogtoberfest activity I’ve missed my blog space.  It’s just that I’m in my lavender-soaked hanky-in-a-darkened-room space, for now.

When your vision has tunnelled and someone is trying to poke needles through your eyes, it’s kind of hard to sit in front of a screen, let alone have anything worthwhile to say other than “aaaaaargh stop the swirly stripes stop the swirly stripes!

Anyway, on to the real reason why you’re here!

The winner of my Pay it Forward Sarah Fielke Bundle-ette Giveaway is …

… Mary from Molly Flanders who said:
“Oh my goodness! I would absolutely flip to have a bundle of Sarah Fielke's fabric! I have both Material Obsession books and there are several quilts on my to-do list. Sooooo I would definitely use the fabric for one of those projects. Thanks for the chance to win! mary”

See Mary, sometimes you get what you wish for!!  Can’t wait to see what you do with this little 4 FQ selection of “Little Things”:

my migraine can’t cope with these stripes today!  aaaargh ….

Mary, please send me an email with your details, so I can get these puppies in the post. 

Commiserations to the rest of you, but why not cheer yourselves up and visit Mary’s flickr stream or her blog ? They’re both choc-full of loveliness … 

…  be sure to drool over check out this beautiful Dresden Plate while you’re there:

Mary was chosen by my new comments spreadsheet which uses the RANDBETWEEN function to generate a random number – pretty nifty eh?

sarah fielke giveaway random
(how I love to embrace my inner geek)
Now, that’s quite enough for today … I’m going back to the duvet until someone calls off the migraine dogs.